For the adventure
You will need $10
This is ALL you really HAVE to have to lose 100 lbs.
(Contrary to what advertisers & creators of diet plans claim!)
With your $10, go out and purchase:
A spiral notebook ($1)
Your favorite writing pen ($2)
Fabric Measuring tape ($3)
Breath freshening gum ($1)
A new shade of lipstick (or gloss) (cheap is fine) ($3)
Now, since you're joining the party a little bit after it got started, browse the Archives of this blog and find the first real post, What I Didn't Do from August 2010 and start reading the posts leading up to now. You are free to skip around, as you please, but MOST posts build on the previous one. I encourage you to not just read, but to DO the work described in the posts. It will make a greater impact for you to DO, rather than simply read. As always, feel free to leave comments and ask questions.
Oh, and PLEASE sign up to be a follower of the blog.
Talking to (or writing for) myself, is fine
But having listeners, really makes it better (for me, at least)
Be your best,