Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sweet Tweets (For THIS Week)!

Here are my TWEETS! Hope you're also getting these through the Dance Party for One page on Facebook (sign up to "LIKE" it, if you haven't already, and these tips will show up on your Facebook wall 2-3 times a day, throughout the day)!
  1. * Nothing wrong with a slice of pizza when you want it! Nothing at all. ENJOY IT and FEED your real hunger. Take it slow & have fun!
    * If you are a woman. With a beating heart. You should be listening to Patty Griffin's music. She will make you feel again.
    * When was the last time you ACTUALLY felt hungry? I mean, really truly FELT hunger? And how long did you FEEL it before you ate something?
    * Intentionally serve yourself LAST for meals (not just because it's good manners), but because there will be LESS LEFT for YOUR plate!
    * I think I could drink salsa by the gallon.
    * Just hit 5,500 hits on the DP41 blog for the first 6 weeks!!! (as of THIS post, the blog is at 5,800 views! Thanks so much!)
    * My 4 kids had donuts today. I had 1/2 of one & tossed the rest in the trash. It's PERFECTLY OK to do this. Better in the trash, than on me.
    * PLAN for a snack at 3PM today. You need it! Feed yourself something to boost your energy and blueberries. I am have three Hershey Kisses!
    * Items to add to your grocery list this week: Black Beans, Salsa, Oatmeal, Blueberries, Yogurt, Carrots & Walnuts. REALLY! Eat LOTS of these!
    * If you can manage to start your Monday morning DANCING, you may find it will change your whole week!
    * Plan ur week: Dance Time, food you'll eat & ways you'll feed yourself in the next 5 days! Think of all the do-overs, $ & stress you'll save!
    * When you eat at night, you are GAINING BACK the weight you MIGHT have seen LOST on the scale in the morning!
    * The State Fair is NOT the best lunch spot for healthy eating, but NOTHING feeds my fun side like a funnel cake!
    * Stop rewarding yourself with food or eating with an, "I deserve this," attitude! Eat to FEED your body & reward yourself with DANCING TIME!
    * Eat lunch. Don't work through it or skip it. Make IT your biggest meal of the day, so you've got the rest of the day to USE UP what you ate!

    That's all.Be Your Best!Becky


  1. Ate small protein after my 5.4 mile run last night, and the scale had lost 1.6 of the pounds it had found the day before. went to be hungry, but not starving. Woke up SO hungry. Felt GREAT!

    That is great!
    Just keep it going!

    NOT every day is going to be a grand celebration, but if you stick with it...stay the course and work on OTHER parts of you EVERY day, there will ALWAYS be some kind of personal reward. Sometimes the reward is a change on the scale, but other times, it's just being able to breath better, smile deeper or finding pleasure in the way the sun hits the trees in the fall.

    Look for the rewards, and keep being pleased with yourself and who you are becoming!

    Thanks for posting!
