I will not be blogging today
You will.
If you've been reading for a while (all of the seven weeks Dance Party has been up and running), you know the routine....
I share something,
typically, a part of My Story
I comment on it
I apply it to myself
(and you)
and I suggest an exercise
a task of sorts,
to help you apply what I've written
this time,
it's your turn.
I'm not being lazy
or trying to rip you off.
And, it doesn't even matter if this is your first time reading the blog
your first time trying what I suggest...
Give it a try
take a chance
pause for a moment
and write...
Your story,
in two parts.
Pull out your journal
or a blank sheet of paper
or even a napkin
or gum wrapper (you'll have to write really, really tiny)
and start writing.
Write TWO portions
(one on each side of the paper, is possible)
The first, (a paragraph or something similar)
is YOUR story
We've been talking about it enough
drawing from it enough
referencing it for a while
NOW, it is time to write it out.
Tell your story, however you choose to tell it. You can make it a comic strip, a fairy tale, a timeline, a chronological list, simple story or WHATEVER....Just TELL it. Take a few moments to write out your history. It can be related solely to your weight, or more expansive to tell about different areas of your life. Different circumstances leading you here...leading you to Dance Party for One. Leading you to consider and possibly pursue, changing your life.
Can you do it?
Will you do it?
It is for your eyes only...unless you choose to share it.
You may choose to share it with someone you trust
or with someone you know who loves you
You may elect to keep it completely private
I did that.
I kept my story private
for a long time
I shared a few parts of it
here and there over the time when I was overhauling ME
but in many ways,
sharing it here on the blog--has been my first, true, real, re-telling of the Story That is Me.
Next (for the second part, the second paragraph on the back of your paper)
Craft a second story.
The story of your Success
For this one,
I am not giving you as much room to get creative with how you tell it.
For this portion, I want you to tell it, in the PAST tense...as though it has already happened.
I want you to tell your story,
as though you are sharing it with an audience
an audience of blog readers
a Dance Party for One Reunion in 2012
This is YOUR blog entry to share with the other women
who have been dancing solo, along with you
over the course of 18 months.
Tell us your Story.
Tell us who YOU became
Tell us how YOUR life changed
Tell us how you spend YOUR free time, NOW, in 2012.
How you share
YOUR energy
YOUR resources
YOUR creativity
YOUR love
In 2012.
Tell us how you look and feel and live, Today
We want to hear it
You need to hear it
Write as though it has already happened.
(It is already happening,
so just take it further).
Stretch your hopes and dreams a bit further
Describe in detail
Where your life IS in 2012
you ARE, in 2012
This is a private one, too.
Until it is you turn.
Until you are writing your own blog
and answering letters
and responding to questions
and challenging others
and inspiring strangers
and connecting with women from all walks of life
who want to know
how you did it.
YOU will take my place
in your family
in your community
with your friends
in your corner of the world
and you will be a part of ushering other women
into a new place with themselves.
I can't wait until it is your turn!
Get to writing,
so you'll be ready!
(Share with me ANYTHING you want. I'd love to hear ALL of it)
(If you are behind on the blog, or just getting started, don't forget you get as many Do-Overs as you could possibly want! Just kick it in, and re-start whenever you want!)
That's all
Be Your Best!
(here she goes....I am adding a Post Script. Here's where I push you...here's where I ask the tough question. But I just have to ask)....
How badly do you really want to change....how much are you really willing to do...how truly desperate are you.......if you're NOT willing to try "Working on Yourself" with your journal? How deep is you want and desire and need to change, if you are reading and not doing?
Just wondering.
Just remembering myself.
My Self. Me.
...And remembering how sadness,
depression, hopelessness, complaining,
beating myself up and moaning about it
didn't help me drop One Single Pound...
nor did any of it,
keep me from gaining more weight
in addition to what I was already carrying.
Just thinking out loud.
...and realizing how LITTLE
my inspirational tidbits and challenges
will impact the overall YOU,
until you are ready to take it from here,
and DO something about it.
It's ok, though...move at your own pace.
You WILL change, when you REALLY want to change.
I am sure of it!
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